
Here are a few resources to help you on your path to freedom.

Phone Numbers

This page has numbers for multiple national and state hotlines to help with immediate violence needs. They may help with other needs as well.

Cost of Living Calculator

This page will let you calculate the difference in the average cost of living between where you are now and other places in the US. Please note you may need to find the nearest metropolitan area to get an estimate.

Safety Plans

Having a plan will help you be able to not only stop the cycle of violence, it will help you have a plan to thrive once you are out. These two pages show ways to make that plan.

Social Media Safety

Social Media, including email, is often used to find a survivor after they have started their new life. It can also be used to derail a plan to escape. This page has some tips to remain safe while planning your way out and beyond.

Other Misc Resources

This page has tabs for state specific, national, teen and LGBTQ resources for those expierencing domestice violence and survivors.